Friday 12 December 2014

It's all about me

I haven't posted for a few days because I have had a bad lurgy, haven't slept either, going through a book a night, I have been in agony. (didn't stop hairball wanting to play fetch with the sponge at whatever time am....

Picture of innocence....)

During which time it felt like I was on a ship and I managed to bump my head while trying to clear the cat poop in the middle of the night as I fell to the floor.

Thankfully I asked Bigs dad to stay over in case I needed to go to hospital (Yeah!! a use for the bedroom tax).

Went to the doctors and was given Oxytetracycline turns out I am allergic to them:
So have felt even worse the last couple of days. In fact worse doesn't cover it, was in agony, sore throat, glands swelling, couldn't wear the hearing aids, sharp pains in my left jaw same side as tinnitus and hyperacusis (told you I should do a health blog) anyway I only took 5 of these tablets and I was so ill.

I couldn't go near the fridge because I was shivering, which made meal times great fun, have been in bed by 7 with electric blanket on, running to the toilet find the seat freezing and drinking lots and lots of water through the night, jug fulls. cold water so painful but the thirst was worse, probably my body telling me to flush this crap out.

Why does it always happen on a Friday?, anyway rung the doctors, he confirmed what I suspected and new antibiotics have been dispensed, which I will get tomorrow.

It has been an art and craft week for the girls because I have been so ill, but Big has done lots of English and read all the books we got Monday.
girls have made some amazing Lego creations and done lots of computer work.

I had lots to do but had to cancel and rest up concentrating on getting well, the girls have had a fab time.

Our wonderful Auntie Grace babysat while I went to the doctors Monday and took the girls to the dentist for me. Big has to go to the orthodontist.
I am so grateful, I have not felt this ill in a very long time.

There is yet another medical issue and I am being referred to neurology.

A week until we go away, caravan needs to be changed too far from the shops etc and no telling when I can or can't walk, it's all a bit of a nightmare, I should be getting things ready instead I am ill, must admit it's only been a few hours off the Oxy and I feel heaps better, glands have gone down, no sharp pains and ear ok to use hearing aids again.

Thank goodness for neighbour doctor, ibuprofen been a life saver and tens machine. I am blessed.

Hopefully tomorrow I will be well enough to start getting things sorted.


Have a fantastic week-end!

Tuesday 9 December 2014

I need my bed.....

Duvet Day today, had to pop out with the small one briefly needed some essentials.

Finally managed to get 2 doctors appointments for tomorrow deep joy. Nice and early, I will look like the living dead by then.

Girls have their dentist appointment in the afternoon, thinking of wearing gloves and a mask.

Had to stock up on aloe vera tissues my nose is raw and still blocked yet constantly sneezing.

At the moment I am wired up to a tens machine, thought somebody had chopped me in the neck when I first turned it on, comfortable on number 3 setting, 4 feels like electrocution.

I have had 2 Lemsips and a nasal spray to try and clear my sinuses (was meant to last 12 hours). Nope. I feel like death. Am going to try Marilyn's suggestion of the menthol steam later, after a soak.

I think I might start a separate health Blog, different pain every day and all that.

Girls have had a creative day, well it is December Art & Craft month, and after all the work Big done yesterday she deserves a break, so she is having a play with her HE friends. Small has made many creations. Unfortunately no pictures as yet.

Waitrose still doing 2 for a fiver on those nice sausages so we are having sausage mash and hoops for dinner tonight (Smalls choice).

Funny how illnesses get worse in the evening, I am feeling gradually worse if that is possible.

An early night will be had by all tonight.

Hope you all avoid this lurgy if that's what it is, hopefully catch up tomorrow....

Monday 8 December 2014

Queen Cleopatra of Egypt is said to have bathed her ass in milk?

Well GS went off leaving his lurgy behind.

Small has been very miserable today, didn't manage to get half the things done I wanted to.

Dentist appointment then we went to town.

Kept ringing but couldn't get through to the doctors in time for an appointment today, need some antibiotics for the tooth and chest feeling very tight again..... Will try again tomorrow.

We did hit the charity shops and I actually managed to take some pictures but I need to get a new hard drive and sd card desperately, I had to upload the pictures using my email address on Big's Laptop, then view the original and move it into a folder, took ages.

We got some more books for the collection and Big Straight away started reading this one.

She has spent ages today on Study Ladder doing English and is doing an amazing job.

Very, Very proud of her.

We got a new globe (£2.50) for her collection, which is growing.
(We also got another few bears, I must remember to take a picture of Smalls bear collection ).

Lilly was fascinated because it played a tune.

Also got a beautiful box.

More books for the collection.

It's getting colder, I have bubble wrapped the inside of the girls bedroom window because their room was always freezing, on an average window you lose 10% of the heat from a room, in the girls room the amount lost must have been way more then that.
Anyway the bubble wrap works like a charm.
I will do my own bedroom later and the front room.

Anyway hope everyone is having a fun Monday and

 to a special little man Harrison.

Our dinner was made by Big and it was scrumptious

Chicken, stir fry veg, soy sauce and egg noodles.

T-14 Days until we are out of London for a week, can't wait and Big has butterfly's in her tum she is so excited.

All that swimming to look forward too.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Grumpy cat Sleepy Saturday

Well there was all 4 of us in my small bed last night, it was quite a squeeze.
I think Small trapped Poppy in the girls bedroom yesterday accidentally so she decided to wee and poop on Big's quilt....

Just one of those things, but it meant all the quilts had to be washed and the plastic bleached 0.o

I said Big could jump in with me and I was asleep by 7, woke up at 11 being roasted, some joker ad turned the heating on and my room is 7 foot nothing, bed right next to the radiator, I was sweltering.

So I was running scans until 1.20 trying to keep this old girl (not me) alive, I finally cracked and went to bed.

Come 3.30, Small regular as clockwork gets up for a toilet break, see's Big isn't in her bed and doesn't like to sleep/be alone so then she jumps in with us.

Tiny bed, 3 girls and 2 cats later, I got a couple of hours sleep.

Today son took me to Yates dahling!! near Croydon, never been there before it was an experience, very nice apart from the chill coming down the stairs and GS wanting to go to the toilet for half an hour during which time because of the chill the food was stone cold.

The food was ok but the sauces I think were invented, most were vile and the waitress couldn't even pronounce the name of the sauce in the metal basket, we asked because we couldn't either and I wasn't brave enough to try it, it looked a bit spicy.

But it was lovely for me and no 2 son to have a day out and just the 2 of us! No one else.

Little fella has the lurg so has had calpol and is giving it Zzzzzzz's as it Paige.

Hope everyone is having a FAB Saturday <3

Friday 5 December 2014


The wonders of life

What a day, Big spent an hour on English then we watched a dead shark , poor thing looked like it had been fished for sport, thank goodness there are some wonderful human beings still in the world and I hope the 3 babies made it.

Then we went to the hospital for yet another ENT appt this time to raise the white noise and hearing capabilities of my hearing aids.

The girls grilled my doctor on all ear aspects and are now clued up on how we hear :D

They had many questions and were fascinated to see how my hearing aids worked.

When we got out it was chucking it down.

we hit Wimbledon and I started getting pains so needed to stop and take painkillers. Hate random pains.

The toilet at Morrisons is still out of order, must be going on a month now so we popped into Weatherspoons and used their facilities. The girls had food from the children's menu and I had a garlic cheese ciabatta.

Then we caught the bus home, it was freezing!!!!!

Now they are playing Minecraft, I swear Small is way better then me, it's quite amazing to watch her.

Spent a lot of time yesterday on this:

If you can work out the answer please let me know........ It's torture ;)

Right  time to chillax.

Have a FAB week-end <3

Thursday 4 December 2014

Launch unable to go ahead next possible launch at 7.05 ET Friday

LIVE on NASA TV: Orion Launch Coverage :

Still an hour to go for possible launch if the winds die down, very exciting. Watch live at the link below.

Critical Step on Journey to Mars

Watch NASA TV for live coverage of today's launch on NASA'S new Orion spacecraft from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The launch window extends until 9:44 a. m. Eastern

The un-crewed Orion will orbit 3,600 miles above Earth before splashing down in the Pacific. Orion is being designed to carry astronautson exploration missions into deep space, including a trip to an asteroid and eventually to Mars.

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